Report to: |
Pension Committee |
Date of meeting: |
17 June 2022 |
By: |
Chief Finance Officer |
Title: |
Pension Administration - updates |
Purpose: |
To provide an update to the Pension Committee on matters relating to Pensions Administration activities.
Pension Committee is recommended to note the
report |
1. Background
1.1 The in-house Pensions Administration Team (PAT) carries out the operational, day-to-day tasks on behalf of the members and employers of the East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) and for the Administering Authority. They also lead on topical administration activities, projects and improvements that may have an impact on members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
2. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
2.1 The Performance
Report, for the period April 2021 to March 2022 can be found at
Appendix 1. The PAT saw performance numbers during quarter
one 2022, average at 97.62% volume completed 2,358) which were
similar to the previous quarter of 97.07% (volume completed 2,188).
The volume numbers are quite different from the same period 12
months ago – 92.00% (volume completed 1,724).
Under the Good Governance Review, documents were developed and
updated covering the Service Level Agreement and Roles &
Responsibilities with the future “in-house” PAT rather
that provided through Orbis Business Services.
Work has taken place with Aquila Heywood to implement the
new performance measurements, and this was completed in Altair in
early October 2021. The Fund are now creating a new KPI reporting
dashboard within Altair Insights and expect this to be presented in
the new format at the next meeting. In the meantime, the
KPI’s presented, are now a mixture of the new East Sussex and
the old Orbis internal measurements.
2.3 The Orbis Pensions Helpdesk was introduced in November 2019 and their performance since April 2021 is shown in Appendix 2. Since the disaggregation of Orbis the Fund implemented a new gold standard service provision. The report now includes task volumes undertaken. The helpdesk introduced a short call survey from December 2021 and the results are included in the Appendix.
3. Pension Administration Transfer and Staffing Update
3.1 All administration staff are now working on a hybrid approach and since April 2022 staff are attending Lewes County Hall on business need basis.
3.2 Job descriptions for the existing team have been reviewed by the Councils HR team for evaluation and new post job descriptions are being finalised. Existing staff have been offered the option to either of retaining their previous TUPE terms or switching to an ESCC contract. An advertising campaign has been drafted for recruiting to vacancies, to help better manage projects, manage the additional workload resulting from the upcoming triennial valuation and new work created through the uptake of i-Connect with a robust team structure reducing key person risk.
4. Projects update
4.1 Data Improvement
Improvement is part of business as usual and the team is currently
focusing on three particular areas:
a) Continue to monitor and review cases in Status 2 (undecided
leavers), Status 8 (awaiting entry) and Status 9 (frozen
b) Maintain the Pension Regulator (tPR) common and conditional data
scores – on 16 May 2022,these were 96.3% and 95.76%
c) Work with Barnett Waddingham on the initial valuation data quality.
4.2 Pension Increase
April 2022
This was the first time the in-house team have undertaken this
project and it has been successfully completed providing most
pensioners with a 3.1% pension uplift. The helpdesk has reported
fewer enquiries than expected.
4.3 GMP Rectification
The project is about to re-commence with a data extract including the April 2022 pension increases for the pensioner population. This data will be passed to Mercers to determine the over and underpayments for pensioners and looking at the draft communications. The rectification will likely be implemented in October 2022.
4.4 Annual Allowance (AA) historical review
The project to correct the AA for the period 2014/15 to 2019/20 is
in progress with the first results starting to come into the Fund
from the external consultant, Aon. The Fund has provided Aon with
the revised salary histories for the c.350 members in scope for
review. The Fund issued provisional letters prior to
Christmas to all members impacted by AA in 2020/21 and these have
been added to the project scope when communicating back to effected
scheme members. Aon have queried the quality of the final
pensionable pay data supplied by the various employers. This has
been reviewed and corrected where appropriate. The first batches of
historically completed calculations have been received and checked.
The data is being bulk uploaded into the Altair system and final
communications produced.
4.5 ITM – monthly pensioner
mortality checks and address tracing exercise
projects were due to commence in January 2022 but have been delayed
with legal queries over some aspects of the contract (ITM have
clarified about Government requirements of them to access the data
analysis websites and the possible use of biometrics). We are now
very close to finalising the contract with the specialist
4.6 Annual Benefits
Statements (ABS) – 2022
The end of year data
requests for the non i-Connect employers was requested on 23 March
2022 and returns are being received. First reminders were issued on
10 May 2022 to those employers where data remained outstanding. The
project plan and testing matrix have been prepared and the draft
benefit statement template updated.
Following the 2021 ABS process, the Chairs of Pension Board
and Pension Committee wrote to Brighton and Hove City
Council’s Chief Executive Officer, highlighting concerns with
the data from the employer and failure to provide sufficient member
data to issue 10% of members ABS letters. This followed a report to
the regulator in the prior year. The letter included recognition of
a number of mitigating factors which suggested there would be a
vast improvement in data quality and timeliness. The Fund has yet
to hear back from the employer as to actions to ensure complete and
timely data for this year’s statutory letters. In addition,
the Fund are concerned there may be recurrence of prior year issues
as the employer has not been able to reconcile the active
membership ahead of on-boarding to i-Connect, in time to submit the
March 22 data. We are still trying to avoid a very late and
separate year end return request. There are also other projects and
regulatory data requirements outstanding or delivered significantly
later than requested.
4.7 Casual
On 11 April 2022 we wrote to those employers with
casual workers who have not been paid for two years suggesting the
employers should review their HR processes. Some have responded
positively and cancelled the casual contracts or advised the
individuals should no longer be on their books and they will
provide leaver forms.
4.8 Process
The PAT have now completed its first process
review which was for Transfer Values out (covering both quotations
and settlements) and incorporated the new scams regulation
requirements. This included an update suite of letters and
checklists. A training session on the new process was rolled-out to
the team on 20 April 2022. Head of Pensions Administration will be
the escalation point for all Amber and Red flag cases to determine
the next steps.
5 Conclusion and reasons for recommendation
The Pension Committee is asked to note the
Chief Finance Officer
Contact Officer:
Paul Punter, Head of Pensions Administration